Walking – the full guide On 13 July 2015 By MD. Steve Levitt Why walking is a great sport Walking, the simplest human activity that moves us from place to place is one of the most wonderful ways to get in shape and lose weight. The great advantage of walking is that you can do
On 7 July 2015 By MD. Jeff Klien After the 2016 announcement of new recommendations of bad cholesterol values, it is estimated that about half of the adult will be required to take medication against cholesterol. What is cholesterol, which drugs reduce it and what side effects, why diets and sports do not really help
Cholesterol and how you can improve your diet to help reduce the level in your blood if it is too high There are 2 types of food that can help you improve dramatically your cholesterol levels – Food that can increase the Types and main sources of dietary fats Saturated fat (‘bad’) Full-fat dairy products;
Find out how many calories you burn for Walking, estimate the number of calories burned by the number of KM or miles. Calculate how many calories you burn if you walk slowly, moderate or fast. Please remember that a person who wishes to lose 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of weight must burn 7000 calories more
The most accurate heart rate to calorie calculator The Calorie Heart Beat calculator predicts the amount of calories burnt while exercising based on heart rate. The rate at which the heart beats links directly to the calorie expenditure rate. The calculation of calories burned by heart rate requires the heart rate to be between 90
Calorie Burned Calculator is used to estimate the number of calories burned after exercises. Calculate how many calories you burn per day with different activities, such as sleeping, watching TV, jogging and swimming. This will help you maintain the minimum number of calories you should eat each dayPlease remember that a person who wishes to
Aim for a Healthy Weight According to the National Institutes of Health, being overweight or obese by this measure can put you at risk for heart disease, type II diabetes, and even some cancers. According to the National Institutes of Health, being overweight or obese by this measure can put you at risk for heart
The most accurate BMI calculator Reviewed by Dr. James Kennedy 12/21/18 BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. BMI, or body mass index, expresses the relationship between weight and height. How do you calculate body mass index? To work out your BMI: divide
10 things you should know about heart. What is a heart attack, how to prevent atherosclerosis and risk factors for coronary events? Answers to these questions can save your life 1. What is atherosclerosis? High level of lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) that accumulate in the blood can cause serious damage, foremost of which is atherosclerosis.
The calorie calculator estimates the number of daily calories your body needs using body weight, height, age, gender, and exercise level. It also calculate the calories doing nothing…. Resting metabolic, or the “lowest daily calories” is the amount of energy (measured in calories) expended by the body during quiet rest. In order to lose weight,