Who burns more calories – runners, cyclers, or swimmers?

How many calories are burning in the sea swim? How much for a marathon? What is a post calorie burning ? What is the calorie difference between a fast distance cover or a slow? A must-have article  for anyone who has sought the differences between the different sports

When do you burn fat  and when do you burn carbohydrates?

What happens during exercise? During the activity we burn calories, this we know, but what is the source of these calories: carbohydrates? Fat? And does the calorie source have any significance in relation to weight loss?

Let’s start with an example: in a low-intensity activity, 80% of the calories burned comes from the body’s fat reservoirs and 20% comes from sugars that originate in carbohydrates.

As we increase the effort, the ratio is reversed, so that more carbohydrates and less fat will be the source of energy being burned.

To lose weight, you have to reduce the fat buffers. The goal here is to understand the idea and not to be caught in the exact numbers. Also, it is not taken into account that factors affecting the effectiveness of the calorie burning as a genetic component, fitness level, etc.

So is it worthwhile for those who want to lose weight to maintain an activity that uses only  30% of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), such as walking to burn more fat?

If we increase effort we will burn more carbohydrates and less fat and we want to actually reduce weight in the way of fat burning.

Well, apparently not. What ultimately determines is the total amount of energy balance – the amount of burnt calories that were originate in fat.

For example, in a medium activity that lasts an hour, we will burn 50% more calories than in a light activity hourly effort, that is, in medium activity we will burn a total of more fat than in an easy operation even though burned more carbohydrates.

Who burns more calories – runners, cyclers, or swimmers?

How many calories are burning in the sea swim? – The more the effort is high the relative energy source is greater than carbohydrates.

How much are we burning during sport?

There is a rule of thumb (for running) that says: We burn about one calorie “from every kilogram of body weight in 1KM” – the rate at which we will run or go is to determine how long it takes for the same calorie to burn.

For example: a person weighing 70 kg and runs 10 KM may burn about 700 calories.

Assuming that the effort is medium, half of those calories are from fat (350 calories): If divided by 9 (the number of calories in 1 gram of  fat) we will receive a burning of  39 g of fat.

That is, to loose 1 kg of fat the same person will have to run  more or less -250 km!

Apparently, it is not that simple to reduce weight by exercising only. Even if the same runner is training for the marathon, burning fat only from exercise  can take 3 weeks.

The main point is that to reduce weight in the long run, we will need to create a negative energetic balance over time. The calories for the production of energy for daily activities and physical activity will be provided in any case, whether from carbohydrates and from the fat reservoirs. Therefore, there is less importance to whether the calorie source that is being burned is fat or carbohydrate, and it is more important to the amount of calories that we burn in relation to what we consume (eat).

Continued burning of calories after effort – post burning

In a study directed by Amy Knab, the question was examined how the physical activity affects the burning of calories in post-finished hours (Afterburn – a late burn). After riding a fitness bike with a load of 75% (effortless load in which it’s already hard to talk) for 45 minutes, the 223 was burned in another 18 hours after the end of the activity compared to the calorie burning of those tested on a day without activity. Of course, the late fire has a significant effect on the overall calorie balance. All this before we have considered the feasibility of changing metabolic rhythms that the activity may cause, and other factors.

Burning calories – Running, Cycling, Swimming




Type of activity (30 min)57 KG (125 pounds)70 KG (155 pounds)84 KG (185 pounds)93 KG (205 pounds)
Light Walking (12.5 min per KM) 4.8 KM/h or 3 miles per hour98116135153
Intensive Walking 9:20 min per KM) 6.4 KM/h or 4 miles per hour147176204232
Light Swimming200245286325
Light Running (7.5 min per KM) 8 KM/h or 5 miles per hour230280327372
Light Running (6:13 min per KM) 9.6 KM/h or 6 miles per hour295352408465
Intensive Running (5:38 min per KM) 10.7 KM/h or 6.5 miles per hour325386445512
Medium Cycling (22Km/h) 10.5 Per hour236281327372
Intensive swimming300372444470
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